
Health, Safety & Security Experts!

Offering Workplace NL approved Health and Safety Training, CSA approved Basic and Advanced First aid training, Emergency Medical Responder (Ambulance). Click below to view our schedule!
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Course Feedback

Thank you for taking training with Eastern Safety Services.  Please take a moment to fill out the following form to help us improve our training and services.

[contact-form to=’admin@easternsafety.ca’ subject=’Course Feedback’][contact-field label=’Course Name’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’Please Choose,EMR-Ambulance,Emergency First Aid, Standard First Aid, Marine Basic First Aid, OHS Committee (Full Course),OHS Committee (Recert),Powerline Hazards,Confined Space,Fall Protection,Food Safety,WHMIS,TDG,Supervisors Health and Safety’/][contact-field label=’Course Date’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Location’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Instructor’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’How satisfied were you with the registration process?’ type=’select’ options=’Please Choose one?,Very Satisfied,Satisfied,Somewhat Satisfied,Not Satisfied,Not Applicable’/][contact-field label=’How Satisfied were you with the training facility or online learning?’ type=’select’ options=’Please Choose one?,,Satisfied,Somewhat Satisfied,Not Satisfied’/][contact-field label=’How do you rate your overall satisfaction of this course?’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’Please choose one?,,Satisfied,Somewhat Satisfied,Not Satisfied’/][contact-field label=’How did you find out about the course?’ type=’select’ options=’Please choose one?,Facebook ad,Family / Friend,Employer,Co-worker,Google,Search,Word of mouth,TV,ESS Employee,Recommended’/][contact-field label=’What was your key reason for taking this course?’ type=’select’ options=’Please choose one?,Work required,Workplace NL required,Government Required,Personal reasons,Self education,Continued education,Other’/][contact-field label=’Do you have any further comments to help improve our course or positive outcomes?’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]